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What can prevent ad fraud? We ask an ad tech Ceo

What can prevent ad fraud? We ask an ad tech Ceo

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On February 6, 2016, Bernardo M. Ferdman, Ph.D. was recognized as a new Fellow of the of Consulting Psychology (SCP) at its Midwinter Conference in Lake Buena Vista, Florida.

SCP, Division 13 of the American Psychological Association (APA), brings together psychologists who “share a commitment to apply psychological insights for the success and fulfillment of individuals, groups, and organizations.” Fellow status is “an honor bestowed upon APA members who have shown evidence of unusual and outstanding contributions or performance in the field of psychology.”

  • Focus on those firms and individuals across the British Isles,
  • Regardless of size, age, specialism or value, that are not just successful
  • How we view and regard their entire industry and who, taking their place firmly
  • Become a byword for forward-thinking excellence and achievement

Advantages Include

  • The transfer of technical, change management and project management skills to key staff greater than with conventional consultancies.
  • How we view and regard their entire industry and who, taking their place firmly
  • Client staff who will facilitate the change will be selected based upon including language the project rolled out to all countries within scope.


After being introduced by SCP Fellows Chair Judith Blanton, P, Ferdman made all the remark highlighting the importance of social and inclusion, including the need to become.

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